GPZ7000 5 Nuggets in 2 gullies - 5 New Videos

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Myself and Miguel Valle, Minelab's product development expert and trainer for South America, went out to the gold fields and had a very productive day.

Here are the videos posted to You Tube. While these videos prmote my company, please make sure if you are swayed to invest in a GPZ7000 by any of these videos, give Rob a call! This is Rob's forum, so I want to promote the Minelab GPZ7000 but I want to help Rob as well.

Nugget #1

Nugget #2

Nugget #3

Nugget #4

Nugget #5

Hope you enjoy these videos, thank you for watching.


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Thanks Doc for posting your videos. Your enthusiasm is really infectious, lots of good tips too! I really enjoyed seeing glimpses of the desert, I really love westerns one of my old time favourites was High Chaparral. The 7000 is one nice machine.



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Thank you Mike, Kev Goldstudmuffin.

I always do my videos thinking about guys that are new and who are hungry for information. It's not really aimed at you old timers. There are a lot of newbies who have no one to mentor them.

I had a fantastic mentor in Hoss Blackman. I mean he was a pain in the ass at times, God Bless His soul. But he taught me everything he knew and gave me a great fondation to build on.

Did I ever tell you the story about how Hoss got arrested in Mexico and charged with smuggling gold detectors? They were going to confiscate his truck, all his belongings, 2 new detectors and 2 used detectors. And they wanted a $38,000 fine.

I had to get him out of that one. It took pulling some real tricks out of my sleeve on that one.

Contacting the Associated Press, threatening to make an international incident out of it, and greasing a few palms.

That man sure knew how to get into trouble.


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Hi Doc,

Just noted your comment on Hoss Blackman. He WAS quite a character, as well as a pretty good published poet as well! I went down to Henderson Nevada, a LONG time ago, to pick up my brand new Minelab XT18000. I had bought the machine from a dealer in Idaho, a friend of Hoss, it was arranged for me to meet Hoss at Wilma's place to receive and be checked out on my new machine. Hoss showed me how (magically) that it could detect metal through thin rocks ( I think most do...)

My brother and I offered to take Hoss out to lunch later at a local cantina, as he had taken us to his old trailer, which led me to believe he might be a bit down on his luck. Hoss met us at the appointed time, complete with a string full of big gold nuggets around his neck. I thought he was rather daring to wear such a valuable display of gold, but that was Hoss.

Hoss drew a map showing us how to get out to Gold Basin, which included some hot spots around the King and Queen mine. We drove out into the desert to Dolan Springs, where the truck developed a leak in the radiator, so we had to stop at the local grocery store hoping to find a bottle of Radiator Stop Leak, which we did.

After putting that Stop Leak into the radiator, we pushed on, day had passed into night time, we were very tired. We pulled off the dirt road out there somewhere, so we could get a nights sleep in the cab high truck camper of my brothers '56 Chevy pickup.

Just before hitting the hay, we both took turns standing on the tailgate, taking a quick sponge bath, having heated some water to accomplish the task. Our Coleman lantern helped illuminate our late hour nocturnal baths, which may have made it even more interesting when, in the next morning, we found we had parked ourselves only about 150 feet from a neighboring house, complete with kid slides and swings in the yard. I often wonder what those people may have thought about our free show we had put on just the night before.

It was out there at Gold Basin, I finally found my first gold nugget. Leaving the area, we passed some full time gold hunters, who stopped us for a brief chat on how each other were doing. They said they were getting pretty low on supplies, as they hadn't found any gold for some time, and had to rely on Alpo, a canned dog food, for their meals...not sure if I believed them on that one. I told them I had found one nice little nugget, they responded by asking where? I told them where it was I had found my first find, their response was "there's not supposed to be gold out there..." Go figger.

Cutting to the chase. I still have a couple of VCR tapes of Hoss's lectures, pretty interesting, and humorous, as Hoss, who had set up a dry erase board in the desert, was showing how gold travels in washes, etc, interrupting himself occasionally by his nasal snorting and blowing his nose with his big handkerchief. He was truly one of a kind. We kept in contact later on, he called me on the phone, asking if I would be interested in taking people on a gold hunt down in Australia. Of course such a trip like that was out of the question, not sure if he ever really did go or not...


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Oh Hoss took gold tours every year for several years until the stories of how poorly they were run got around and no one wanted to go with him anymore.

Story is, first trip he had over here he had a angle figured out. Of course everyone who was paying for the trip was paying enough to cover all of Hoss' travel expenses and then some. However, the tour he put on was for 1 week, However he was staying an additional 2 weeks.

He made it clear that when ever anyone started finding gold he was to be notified so he could map it out and see which way the gold was trending so he could make sure everyone was working in the trending area.

Well the story told is that what actually would happen is as soon as someone got onto a patch. Hoss would tell everyone there was a better place they needed to check out and they would come back to this area later. He would load everyone up and take them to a new location. However, none of the places where they were onto patches never got revisited. There was always someone else they needed to go.

So all the people on the gold tour went home. Hos stayed on an additional 2 weeks and found 54 ounces of gold.

He came back and bought a Diesel Cummings Pickup, and some other goodies with his new found windfall.

Well of course the speculation was that he used his tour group as a bunch of birdogs. As soon as they found gold, Hoss would take a GPS reading and off they would go to a new spot. At the end of that week Hoss had a nice list of GPS coordnates where gold was found.

Doesn't take too many stories like that, eihter real or fabricated, to make people leery of hitching their horse to your wagon.


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