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    NYC today, august CA

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  1. Keep in mind that heavy duty batteries are the older carbon zinc batteries before alakaline were develoved....
  2. I though it was an odd looking bird with its wings extended kind of..
  3. while I see a lot of refractive light I'm thinking it'g going to be flakey with a knife. maybe mica ?
  4. That's why I take gator aid or recommend pedalite. Reduced eclectrolytes can cause problems with using just the water.
  5. You have no clue how much a bottle of pedalite can do for you.
  6. I've been fortunate that I have never suffered from it in my time in the desert. My rv has a decent fan but with the windows open it's often 105-110 indoors. but I do believe in gator aid and water. If I run low I'm off to ridgecrest for a refill.
  7. Ah not to worry in my case guys. cutting several hundred off of a few thousand dollar detector is still not going to prompt me to by one. I juust do not got the willingness to gamble that many bucks on the chance of finding a nugget.
  8. You been watching too much monty python.... Just look at the bone structure...he's got teeth likeer....
  9. Sounds a lot like somebodys way of self justifying claim jumping. As far as I know all mineral rights belong to the claim owner. Talings piles or not. Yesterdays tailing piles are tomorrows highrade.
  10. Now please take this with the humor intended since your wife is damn lovely looking. But she might well be a goldddigger. 8-)
  11. ok, it sounded like you were blaming me and I only got the info I said from you as I remember it... so If I remembered anything wrong I'm sorry. but as I said I stay on the south side below the road.... The other post shows my rv which you migh remember from last year when we spoke.
  12. Also realize I had to come to NYC to take care of my mom in the end of july last year. so I've been here in NYC. Where did I say that you drank ? Just asking about something you said in personal message ? as I said in personel message maybe what you were saying got mis-interpeted by me but I thought you were saying that you had watched JS detect at night up on the hill. But maybe I misunderstood you somehow. I know what I thought you had said and did not make this up. You were also the person that told me 49ers had a gun. But neither bothers me because they are up on the hill on the north side of the road. Only time I went there was searching for bottles and cans. When was your bike stolen ? At the very least we can agree to disagree.
  13. '" I have no friends that have stole anything. You have yet to identify if your todd or not Ispoke to tood a fewtimes. I also spoke to 3 guys working a claim just north of the road that has a little fence around it. fence is like 12" high. Probally not able to keep much out besides a turtle. Nor are any of my friends tweakers.
  14. I think your reading a lot more into this than I'm asking here Indsloan. My question about stringers is a general question based on references I read about the area from another site on the net. As for coming in stealing anything I detect ans drywash fully on the avt claim south of the roadway. Why that pisses you off I have no clue you had no interests when we spoke in person if your todd. This is my rv though not at avt claim.